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message of the month

FIDAE is one of the most important civil and military aviation events in the Latin American Southern Cone, Aerocardal was present in this 2024 version as it has been doing for more than 20 years.

It was a great pleasure to represent and receive our strategic partners such as Gulfstream, the most imported leader in the development and manufacturing of executive jets worldwide, or Pilatus, Swiss manufacturer of the famous PC12 turboprop and PC24 jets through the executives of Synerjet, a Brazilian company.

representative in Latin America. Their presence gives us the opportunity to learn more about the capabilities of the aircraft and bring this offer of high-quality products and services closer to our customers. The collaboration with Pilatus and Synerjet reinforces our commitment to providing comprehensive solutions.

Another key partner that accompanied us at FIDAE 2024 was Leonardo, the Italian leader in the manufacture of high-end and latest generation helicopters. This partnership allows us to offer a wide variety of rotary wing airlift options.
Last, but not least, was having once again the presence of World Fuel Services, our partner in fuel distribution, recognized for being a world-class player for its global coverage and constant innovation in this important service. Our collaboration with World Fuel ensures that our customers have access to high quality fuel anywhere in the world, ensuring safe and efficient operations at all times.

FIDAE 2024 was an exceptional event where Aerocardal reaffirmed its position as a leader in the Chilean and regional aviation industry, thanks to the constant search for the best technology and service offering in the world of executive aviation with the help of our strategic partners. . and to the continuous dedication of our team of collaborators and executives to provide first-class services.

We are sure that the contacts and conversations made during the event will help us continue promoting the growth of the national and regional industry, reaffirming our commitment to the executive aviation industry, FBO services and aircraft maintenance.

Sincerely, Ricardo Real, CEO – Aerocardal

Industry news

FIDAE 2024 closed with nearly 100,000 attendees

The International Air and Space Fair FIDAE 2024 concluded last Sunday, April 14, with figures that confirm it as the Aerospace, Defense and Security Exhibition with the longest history and recognition in Latin America.

This year, the event had 15,604 m2 of occupancy, managing to exceed 420 exhibitors, 115 aircraft on display, more than 50 participating countries, over 600 official and professional delegations, and more than 1,500 accredited national and international press and spotters who covered the sample.

This large air show attracted approximately 100,000 visitors during the 6 days of the event, according to organizers.

During these days, visitors were able to see aircraft on display such as the F-22 Raptor; the F-16 Fighting Falcon with the Block 50 and Block 15 models; the F-5 Tiger III; A-29B Super Tucano; DHC-6 Twin Otter and the MH-60M Black Hawk and Bell 412 helicopters. Likewise, advances and exhibitions in civil-commercial aviation; defending; airport equipment and services; aircraft maintenance and space technology.

The Air Demonstration Squadron (EDA) of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), known as the “Esquadrilha da Fumaça”; the “Halcones” High Acrobatics Squadron belonging to the FACH Presentations Group; Team Villarica; the RV Team and the Chilean pilots Mijali Proestakis and Felipe Tapia, among others, performed aerial demonstrations during the fair.

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The aeronautical multinational Pilatus will open a plant in Carmona (Sevilla)

The president of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Juan Manuel Moreno, has announced that the Swiss aeronautical company Pilatus is going to set up shop in the Sevillian town of Carmona to manufacture models of the PC 24 private jet.

Specifically, the newly created subsidiary Pilatus Aircraft Iberica SA will open the factory in Andalusia. The plant will directly employ 50 workers. The company expects this number to increase to 500 in the medium term. This is the PC 24 aircraft that will be produced in Carmona:

The news represents a great boost for the aerospace industry of the province and the autonomous community. It will be the third subsidiary of the company that has two others in the United States. Pilatus, founded in 1939, has more than 2,600 employees globally and has delivered more than 4,400 aircraft with a turnover of 1.35 billion euros. The manufacturer specializes in private and military training aircraft.

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Leonardo continues betting on Latin America

During the last edition of FIDAE we spoke with Corrado Falco, in charge of business development at Leonardo, and Fabrizio Romano, vice president for Latin America at Leonardo Helicopters, about the expectations for the region and also the company’s new industrial plan.

In 2023, the group decided to change management and consolidate with four divisions, which are Aircraft, Helicopters, Electronics and Cybersecurity, while maintaining a presence in more than 22 countries with their own subsidiaries, including the one they have in Brazil where their presence has been growing strongly. , in addition to Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Mexico. Thus, Falco highlighted that the mandate of presence is that the footprint in the countries where they decide to have presence is to have a more efficient logistical support system for all products. “We want to invest more in Latin America, discuss with local companies to collaborate and increase presence through them, with local technicians,” said Falco. In that sense, he explained that today Europe has a shortage of technicians and engineers, with one million versus five that China has, so they aim to use young local engineers in regions such as Latin America to expand research and development capacity. At this point, he highlighted that Leonardo currently reinvests more than 10% of its profits in research and development, which in 2023 reached more than 2.2 billion dollars. Currently, the company has more than 2,000 people working in research and development.

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Los Maitenes de La Unión Aerodrome will be able to receive medical and emergency flights

The objective of the project at the Los Maitenes Aerodrome in Villa Vieja, which serves the communes of La Unión and Río Bueno, is to increase air operations through improvements to its infrastructure.

With an investment of 1,762 million pesos. Currently, the work is 55% complete and includes the renovation of the runway, taxiway and apron, in addition to the demarcation and work on the safety strip.

The MOP minister, Nuvia Peralta, highlighted the progress of the project, emphasizing that “it will allow air operations to increase and reach this area of the Ranco province with aeromedical flights, in addition the air terminal capacity will be improved, to “carry out flights in response to emergencies, such as the occurrence of forest fires.”

The mayor of La Unión, Andrés Reinoso, thanked the authorities for the investment, pointing out that “this project will provide the facility with better infrastructure and technology, so that aeromedical flights can land, and also in case of fires they will be able to land. larger ships.

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Outstanding Service

If you require guidance and support in the management of the purchase of an aircraft, we have the commercial and technical team you require in this delicate operation. We are representatives of the Gulfstream and Pilatus brands, world leaders in the manufacture of jets and turbops.

If you already have an aircraft and want to free yourself from the complex and costly management, our company with more than 30 years of experience takes care of all aspects that its administration requires with the possibility of marketing the remaining hours, thus lowering your operating costs. if the client so wishes.

We are representatives of JSSI, a modern and efficient insurance system for coverage of hourly maintenance of aircraft, tip to tail, engines and others.

By having a large fleet of aircraft, both our own and those of third parties, we have become experts in the search, negotiation and import of spare parts for aircraft.

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